Saturday, July 23, 2016

New South Yorks chief starts four months early

North Yorks chief to return to force, while West Yorks chief super makes move south….
To learn more visit: Police News Feed

City’s youth to help design tailored youth service across Brighton & Hove
Young people will be more involved than ever in what services they use and how they use them under a revamped city-wide programme to support 13-19 year olds.
Brighton and Hove’s community and voluntary sector providers beat off national competition to win the three-year contract worth more than £480,000 that starts this month. Their proven track record, existing relationships and ability to work together bolstered their bid as they start work alongside Brighton & Hove City Council’s Youth Service.
Sexual health and substance misuse work is a crucial part of successful outcomes for young people and an extra £30,000 has been raised to be invested in this area. This aims to ensure young people are equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make informed decisions about sexual health and substance misuse.
A further £50,000 of partnership investment has also been secured through Artswork, the South East Bridge organisation, to increase opportunities for children and young people to engage in arts and cultural activities.
The Youth Collective comprises Impact Initiatives’ Young People’s Centre, Hangleton & Knoll Project, The Deans Youth Project, Crew Club, Trust for Developing Communities, Brighton Youth Centre, Sussex Central YMCA and Tarnerland Youth Project.
Around 2,000 young people a year will benefit from a new youth work ‘curriculum’ that features arts & culture, sport, cooking as well as IT and is designed to inspire and challenge.
The arts and culture programme will see more young people than ever before achieve Arts Award, which is a qualification that supports young people to develop as artists and arts leaders. It will give youth providers opportunities to work in partnership with the City’s leading arts and cultural providers specifically Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisations, music education hubs, as well as museums and libraries.
A major part of the contract is for young people to influence and help shape the services that affect their lives and also have the opportunity to be active citizens by being involved in youth work and community activities.
There will also be closer links with equalities teams, local businesses, schools, services which work with NEET young people
Brighton & Hove City Council Chair of the Children and Young People Committee Cllr Sue Shanks said:
“Young people in our communities need places to go, things to do and people to talk to. Our revamped services aim to improve the way we provide youth work across our city.
“Youth services play a vital role in keeping our young residents safe, healthy and reaching their full potential. From the young woman from the most deprived estate getting into trouble with the police to the young man at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, our services aim to engage early on to divert people to engage in positive activity in the community.
“By using existing local services we can engage with far more young residents and by involving 13-19 year olds in the design of services we aim to ensure that young people’s voices are heard at all different levels. Young people will also be able to plan and fundraise for activities for their peers and decide how funds are spent.”
Artswork Chief Executive Jane Bryant said:
“Our partnership investment, which is one of the first of its type across England, will ensure that youth providers will work strategically and in partnership with arts and cultural organisations to improve the delivery of cultural opportunities for young people.”
Young residents who have already benefited from the city’s services praised the award.
“As a young person benefiting from youth services in Brighton & Hove it’s great to see the youth funding going to the B&H Youth Collective who are made up of organisations that young people know and trust,” said 19 year old Fahim Uddin from the Crew Club who has used the Brighton Music Hub.
“This funding will help many more young people like me to build confidence, feel relaxed in their communities, gain more confidence and learn new skills, said 19 year old Jordan Lee on the Crew Club’s Foundation Learning course.
For more information contact the Brighton & Hove City Council press office on 01273 291 555
Artswork is a national youth arts development agency. It is acting as the Arts Council funded Bridge Organisation for the South East region. One of just 10 such organisations in England, its role is to better connect children and young people with the work of arts and cultural organisations – especially those children young people with least current access.

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New South Yorks chief starts four months early

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